Friday, November 6, 2009

coldy wint

me shivering
my blanket too thin
i curl up
my palms warm my shin
misty breath
condenses on my skin
I seek heat
Still cold where I lean
Toes bent
My frozen eyes squint
My bed feels like
Icy flint
Could use some warmth
On this coldy wint…


B. said...

a very good poem.
i feel the coldness as i read this.
i love "misty breath condenses my skin"...

i could use some warmth, as well.

Anonymous said...

lovely poem :) and thanks for the comment :)

Shadow said...

you have me shivering with the cold, your imagery is great!

Pallavi Dhakal said...

nicely said..i like it..

the walking man said...

I really liked the way you drive the point home with the sudden ending to the last line. Very skillfully done.