Sunday, May 3, 2009


( this article is written by my younger brother LUCKY... ENJOY)


In my whole school life, I have been surrounded by a bunch of intellectually challenged, philosophically unquestioned, spiritually depleted forms of life. I have never been able to get them understand me; neither have I been able to arouse their curiosity over any of the questions I ask. They are all like a herd of buffaloes, just following what lies ahead, never stopping to think for a second, not because they don’t have a brain but because they’re scared. Life always chases them away and hurriedly they run to death. But they don’t intend to die, not alone. They will take along them anyone who tries to show them ‘LIFE’, to die, to rot in hell, to dream of grass as food and mud as water, to run from much weaker groups of carnivorous and to dance on the beats of lashes. They won’t let you breathe your air. They will choke you; smother your spirit to fight. They will poke you for catechizing the authority; push you away if you try to wake them up to feel the morning aurora. Slowly and steadily you start to lose yourself, you start to feel the gigantic blood vessels in your brain shifting towards your body and your eyes that used to question they very existence of questions themselves are now mugging up the answers.

But NO! I refuse to give up. I refuse to give my body a soul without the spirit. I refuse to be a watch-dog just so that my master can have a sound sleep. I won’t be hindered from my way TO life. I will prove to my greatest Guru that my destiny is not the failure to live but the SUCCESS IN LEAVING life to find a new teacher. A bunch of paid employees won’t be able to brainwash me, a gang of bullies can’t digress me. Even if they peel off my attire of a gillion cells, I won’t be ashamed since I still have my shawl of determination to wrap me up, I haven’t lost my curiosity to keep me warm and I still have platelets to sew up my wounds.

I was born free and in no way shall I be leashed. I will cross the boundaries. I will do the impossibles. I will chase the wind, surround the world. Why just one world? I will walk through dimensions. Use the strings of life, master their sound, create a music that will unfold the papers of parallel universes, see through them, go through them. I will dream beyond every limit, beyond the blue sky and beyond the stars. I will dig out a new black hole, a portal to eternity of bliss where I came from. My home planet. My heartland. My PEACE…

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